Subjective Value

The idea that the value of a good is not determined by any inherent property of the good, but instead value is determined by the importance an acting individual places on a good for the achievement of his desired ends

NewThe Theory of Economic Value | Advanced

This advanced level paper, by Michael Huemer, discusses and compares various theories of economic value. 

What is Money?

That may seem like a really simple question, but it’s actually kind of complicated. Paper bills and coins, or currency, is obviously money. But it doesn’t end there.

Episode 759: What's it Worth To You?

Three short stories about putting a price on something hard to value precisely. We go from $4.66 under a pillow all the way up to $1 trillion across every inch of highway in America

Ep. 6: That Film About Money| James Schamus

What is the real value of a dollar? You think that a dollar bill is money and that banks are where your cash is stored and safeguarded. Well, you’re wrong. Like, really wrong.

Ep. 7: The Second Part of That Film About Money | James Schamus

What do banks do with our deposits? You think that banks are where your cash is stored and safeguard and that a dollar bill is money. Well, you’re wrong. Like, really wrong.

Ep. 5: A Bee's Invoice: The Hidden Value in Nature | Adrian Grenier

Why should nature be taken into account when looking at the economy as a whole? A Bee's Invoice uncovers and incorporates the hidden value of natural capital in the measurement of our economy.

Episode 613: Trash!

One day it's profitable to recycle a bottle. The next day, some number in the global economy changes and that bottle suddenly becomes trash. The line between trash and recycling is moving a lot these days. For a bunch of reasons, it's a tough time to be a recycler.

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