2 | Why Ethics?
What kind of life do you want to live? What kind of society do you want to live in? These are fundamental moral questions, and they suggest further moral questions that are also fundamental economic questions.
If somebody had told Elizabeth Holmes that failure was an option, she would have avoided a world of trouble.
Stealing is a no-no; cheating is bad. When it comes to moral quandaries, the thou shalt-nots are no-brainers.
This magazine article summarizes the point-shaving scandal involving Arizona State University's basketball team.
You figure you always know where the line is. You know how to stay on the right side of it, but it turns out... that's easier said than done. On the next Snap Judgment, from PRX and NPR, "Slippery Slope."
CNN Retrospective on the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster.
You figure you always know where the line is. You know how to stay on the right side of it, but it turns out... that's easier said than done. On the next Snap Judgment, from PRX and NPR, "Slippery Slope."
This magazine article summarizes the point-shaving scandal involving Arizona State University's basketball team.
CNN Retrospective on the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster.
Stealing is a no-no; cheating is bad. When it comes to moral quandaries, the thou shalt-nots are no-brainers.
This is a video about on of the most famous studies of obedience in psychology that was carried out by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University.
Getting paid for your blood—do you have any concerns? Many people are opposed to donors receiving compensation for ethical reasons. Should people only donate blood for altruistic reasons? Should we worry about exploitation?
A look at CNN's live broadcast of the Challenger shuttle launch on January 28, 1986. Seven crew members died in the explosion, including Christa McAuliffe, who would have been the first teacher in space.
There has been a lot of attention paid to ethics in business lately. Of course, most of that focus has been on the lack of ethics in business.
Even worse, the drive to "get ethics" is now a huge push. I cringe at the thought of a quick fix for something so fundamental as a company's ethical behavior. Ethics are a foundation of a good company, and while they can be fixed, the best companies begin with a solid ethical footing.
Simon Webley, Research Director at the Institute of Business Ethics, explores the question: What are the ethical issues facing business today?
Simon Webley, Research Director at the Institute of Business Ethics, explores the question: What are the ethical issues facing business today?
Dave Chappelle is renowned for his ability to point out the underlying truths in society and bring humor to serious issues.
The basic outline of world economic history is surprisingly simple. Indeed it can be summarized in one diagram: figure I.I
David Schmidtz's reply to Peter Singer from the forthcoming "Reinventing the Moral Sciences"
If somebody had told Elizabeth Holmes that failure was an option, she would have avoided a world of trouble.
Illegal dumping is the 'new narcotics' for organized criminals in the U.K.
Illegal dumping is the 'new narcotics' for organized criminals in the U.K.
“We have to take defending ourselves into our own hands,” one farmer said as moats and trenches are dug and reinforced gates installed.
The World Chess Federation (FIDE) announced Saturday that it caught chess grandmaster Igors Rausis cheating during a tournament in France. According to ESPN.com, the FIDE noted that Rausis was "caught red-handed using his phone during a game."
This article, from Transparency International, provides information on 25 major scandals that inspired widespread condemnation.
Twenty-five years ago, when Transparency International was founded, corruption was seen as the necessary price of doing business and something so deeply ingrained that exposing and fighting it was regarded as futile and even harmful.
“THE UN needs a good smack in the face,” fumed one city councillor