In one sense, being self-sufficient means needing no outside help in satisfying one's basic needs. However, very few people could ever come close to producing enough to to meet their own needs. In another sense, people are self-sufficient when they have earned the goods they need to sustain themselves.
I, Pencil - Essay
For more than half a century, Leonard Read’s classic story has opened eyes and changed minds by the hundreds of thousands. It humbles even the high and mighty as it reveals the wondrous achievements of individuals whose contributions are coordinated by nothing more than incentives and market prices.
I, Pencil - Video
For more than half a century, Leonard Read’s classic story has opened eyes and changed minds by the hundreds of thousands. It humbles even the high and mighty as it reveals the wondrous achievements of individuals whose contributions are coordinated by nothing more than incentives and market prices. This film guarantees that the insights of Read’s humble pencil will continue to work their magic for many years to come!